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Changes often force us to adapt in ways we’ve never experienced, which can be a major driver of personal (and even professional) growth and development.

iClicker Integration

The iClicker tool is an innovative, self-paced polling system for instructors and students to utilize within the classroom. When an instructor registers their class, the instructor will be able to access this tool like a scantron in which students are given a set of questions and are required to answer them through an iClicker with alphanumeric or numeric answers. Once sent in, the system records students' immediate responses to each question. This tool allows instructors to assess their students' understanding through quick responses.

  1. Create or Sign in to your Instructor account at
  2. Create your iClicker Course and customize your course settings.  Set up Roster & Grade Sync integration and download your roster.
  3. Download the iClicker Cloud Desktop Application to your laptop, and/or ask your IT team to install it on your classroom computer
  4. Share the unique "Join Code" with your class to simplify student on-boarding.
  5. Start Polling



Most of the support for iClicker will be via MacMillian. Please see the support links below. 


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