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TurnItIn: License Expires Mar. 26, 2024 (updated 2/22/24)

Cal Poly is not renewing our TurnItIn License due to low usage and a high license fee. An official message about TurnItIn at Cal Poly was sent on Feb. 19, 2024. 


Faculty using TurnItIn in this Winter's Canvas courses can change their Canvas Assignments from an External Tool, TurnItIn, to an...
1) Online Submission Type 
2) File Uploads

When you change the TurnItIn Assignment from the past to an Online submission, the files students submitted are stored in Canvas with the Gradbook score.


For those courses taught in Canvas between Winter and fall 2023, the Cal Poly Canvas Support Team has manually changed the TurnItIn External Assignments to Online Assignments for you. This saves student participation records and grades in Canvas for the year if a student refutes a grade.

NOTE: If you used the TurnItIn: Rubrics or PeerMark, that will not be saved since it resides in TurnItIn and not Canvas. 

What other options can I use?

Cal Poly does not have a system license for these tools so we do not support them, but that doesn't mean you can not use them. These tools may be helpful to you and your students. Some are free and some are not. If there is a license fee, your department would need to fund the software. 


The College of Science and Math has purchased a license with Labflow. Labflow has some features that can help. 


Grammarly free version has features to fix mistakes, and some AI prompts. Grammarly Premium (individual fee) includes plagiarism detector and reports and more AI prompts. Grammarly for Education can be purchased by a college/department. Grammarly is providing a free pilot of 200 students for 6 weeks with their Education tool. If your college/department is interested, please contact me (Tonia Malone -  


Copyleaks is another tool your college/department can purchase. Copyleaks has AI and plagiarism detectors, writing assitants and an AI grader. 

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