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Changes often force us to adapt in ways we’ve never experienced, which can be a major driver of personal (and even professional) growth and development.

Using Office and Google in Canvas

Cal Poly has Office 365 (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Stream, Teams) that you can use within and outside of Canvas. 

Cal Poly is not a Google campus. Many people also use Google. Google is a great free tool that you can also connect to your Canvas course.

NOTE: End of Life - Google Apps LTI (3rd party tool in Canvas) will no longer be supported by Google starting June 30, 2024. Integration with Google will only work with the paid Google Workspace. 
You can continue to use the FREE Google apps outside of Canvas and link a "shared" file, but you will not be able to use the Google navigation or buttons in Canvas anymore. 
UPDATE 6/2024 - "After customer feedback and collaboration with Google, we have decided NOT to deprecate Google Apps LTI tool as planned in 2024."


You can attach OneDrive (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) files in your Canvas courses. If you want to learn more about OneDrive for Video embedding and links, please see our other page. You can distribute cloud assignments and create collaborations with students.
NOTE: when you share a file from your are only sharing that ONE file. You are NOT giving students access to ALL your files. You can find the OneDrive tool within the Assignment selection, collaboration tool, course navigation, homework submission, link section option, and Rich Content Editor (RCE). 

The Rich Content Editor

OneDrive button in the RCE
popup window for OneDrive in Canvas
NOTE: OneDrive opens in a Pop-Up window. Make sure your browser allows pop-ups. Preferred browsers are Chrome and Edge. 

Using Microsoft in Canvas

Please see the tutorials for the Assignments, Templates, Collaboration, Files, and Accounts. 

Assignments & Cloud Assignments

  • After a Microsoft OneDrive cloud assignment is published, it should not be edited. If you edit it, a new document will be created and shared with students. If the students have attempted the previous assignment and you share a new assignment, the previous work of the students will be lost. 

Template Assignments

  • This type of assignment allows students to upload any file from their Microsoft OneDrive account to submit for the assignment. Students are only able to upload Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files.


  • NOTE: When creating a collaboration, you cannot link to a previously created collaboration document - You can not use the same document to start another collaboration.
  • This creates the collaboration for selected users, including the educator. 
    If you are using private mode of Safari browser, you will not be able to assign a collaboration to a group of students. 
  • If you are using Firefox browser, a dialog box will appear asking you to Resend or Cancel. You will need to Cancel to create the collaboration. 

OneDrive Files in Modules

Manage your Account

  • You can only add official school accounts. Personal OneDrive accounts are not yet supported.
  • Some configuration needs to be done by your school administrator to support this functionality. If you are unable to add additional school accounts, please check with your administrator.


The Google Drive web service allows you to integrate Canvas with your Google Drive account. All users can authorize their Google Drive accounts for access to Google collaborations and assignment uploads.
NOTE: when you share a file from your Google are only sharing that ONE file. You are NOT giving students access to ALL your files. 

NOTE: End of Life - Google Apps LTI (3rd party tool in Canvas) will no longer be supported by Google starting June 30, 2024. Integration with Google will only work with the paid Google Workspace. 
You can continue to use the FREE Google apps outside of Canvas and link a "shared" file, but you will not be able to use the Google navigation or buttons in Canvas anymore. 
UPDATE 6/2024 - "After customer feedback and collaboration with Google, we have decided NOT to deprecate Google Apps LTI tool as planned in 2024."


Cal Poly Support

If you are unable to access your Microsoft Office 365 system (How to Login to Teams), please contact the Service Desk at since Office is supported by their department.

Google is not supported by Cal Poly. You may have to search for support on your own for this tool.  

Microsoft Support

Additional Microsoft Office 365 Tutorials

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