Cal Poly Canvas External Tools
Below is a list of external tools (also called LTI, 3rd party, or integrations) that are currently available in the Cal Poly Canvas system. All of these 3rd party integrations have completed the Accessibility and Security review successfully, based on the CSU’s Assessable Technology Initiative (ATI).
Many of these tools are supported by the vendor and not Cal Poly. If you want to learn more about the tools and what they do, please review the list below.
Accessibility & File Management
Online Assessment
- iClicker Sync / Cloud
- Respondus LockDown Browser
File Sharing & Collaboration
Video Conferencing
Video Creation & Sharing
- Access Pearson (formerly MyLab & Mastery)
- Akindi for CSM & OCOB
- Cengage Learning
- CourseKata
- Follett Discover - Bookstore App
- Follett RedShelf
- MathType
- MacMillan Learning
- McGraw Hill ALEKS
- McGraw Hill Connect
- McGraw Hill SIMnet
- Access Pearson
- Perusall
- WW Norton
- WileyPLUS
- Labflow for CSM