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Changes often force us to adapt in ways we’ve never experienced, which can be a major driver of personal (and even professional) growth and development.

What's New in Canvas

Periodically functionality will be added, changed, or removed in Canvas. Announcements are made in Release Notes on an ongoing basis. Other changes may not be directly related to Canvas, such as browser updates, which are not associated with Canvas releases. 

Changes for 2/15/20: Gradebook import for reserved names, Commons: Favorites Import, and New quiz page button supports Classis & New.

Changes for 1/18/20. Here are some of the highlighted items:

Pronouns (1/18/20)

To learn more, please see Pronouns Matter and our CTLT resources.

  1. Click on the Account in the left menu (Global Navigation), then Settings
  2. Click on Edit Settings in the right menu (Side Bar). 
  3. Choose your pronouns
  4. Save

Choose pronoun

These will appear in Canvas. For example in the Discussions….

View pronoun

Direct Share (1/18/20)

Instructors can copy individual course items to another course and share individual items with other users. This change allows instructors to copy and share content directly in Canvas without having to use a secondary repository like Commons. 

Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions and Pages can be Send/Copy To from the items Edit > Options menu. 

Canvas Send to


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